Grandma’s Happy Homemade Chocolate Glazed Donuts

Easy & $
Chocolate Glaze:
- 1 cup powdered sugar
- 3 teaspoons milk (+1-2 more if needed)
- 3 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1 can of biscuits
- 48 oz. canola oil (for frying)
These donuts are a super fun little snack anyone can make, perfect for themed birthday parties, baby showers or daily desert. My six and seven-year-old helped me make the glaze and the donuts. We added chocolate chips on top of one of the donuts, but you can go to the store and buy a pack of any color or all color sprinkles and add those on top for a colorful donut. This desert costs about $15, if you do not have any of the ingredients on hand but all the ingredients are commonly kept household items.
I made the donuts two ways. The first way was to dip the dough into sugar before frying it and the second way I did not dip the donuts in sugar. I preferred the donut not pre dipped in sugar with the glaze because I did not feel the extra sweetness was necessary, as the donuts were sweet enough. When the donuts were pre dipped into sugar it gave the donut a sweet tasty outer shell, which needed no glaze. The issue with pre sugar dipping the dough is the oil gets dirty faster and I found the donuts came out darker, which some people may not enjoy.
Comment below how your donuts came out and what you changed/ fixed